First House Guest
Wednesday • July 08 • 09:00 PM • Filed under: Panama
On Monday a good friend of many years flew in from Roanoke VA, for a week. Don and I had worked together in Charlotte and St. Croix and rode our motorcycles together - back in the old days. Yesterday we went out to the Panama Canal, specifically the Miraflores locks - toured the very interesting museum and watched a couple of ships pass through the locks. We've, of course, seen this before - but it's still an impressive operation. After a couple of hours at the visitors center we headed for a late lunch at the Gamboa Resort's waterside restaurant - very good meal, fine service and a great setting. Next stop, Albrook Mall for ice cream - then back to Casco. Don and I went out at 9 P.M. to a new ceviche bar on Plaza Bolivar for at late night snack and beer. Nice end to a very full day - this tourist stuff sure is hard work.
Today, after Wags finished at the vet, we visited Panama Viejo. This is the original site of Panama City before it was moved to Casco Viejo to afford better protection for the city's population. We walked around the grounds (Wags got to run around) and climbed the bell-tower. Jane and Don did a little shopping in the craft market and then we, again, headed out for a late lunch - this time to the Amador causeway. Another good meal, in a nice setting at the marina. On our way back to the apartment we stopped for ice cream (just a small serving) and still on the causeway we visited the Smithsonian's marine museum. Another full day.

The day just got "fuller". Looks like Don and I are going out for late night Tacos and beer at Plaza Herrera. Take care.