A dog's life
Tuesday • July 21 • 07:57 PM • Filed under: Panama
Since we've been in Panama Jane has been very picky about the quality of veterinary care available to Wags. She even hired a taxi for a day for an "inspection tour" of the various options available in the city, after being less than thrilled with our original vet. Based on some recommendations and her "search" results she settled on Dr. Sandra at "Cats and Dogs" and she has been pleased. It even turned out that Dr. Sandra makes house calls!

Last week Jane took Wags to Dr. Sandra because she KNEW something was wrong. After checking things out (and listening to Jane) she scheduled an appointment with a heart specialist. The bad news - Wags has a problem with his ticker. The good news - caught it early and he's getting medication that should help deal with the problem so he can continue doing what he does best - make us smile.

Wags says woof. Take take.