Feast Around the World
Saturday • October 10 • 08:42 PM • Filed under: Panama
The Fiesta Alrededor del Mundo (World Food Festival) was this past week at the ATLAPA Convention Center - looked like a good portion of the city turned out for this annual event. Hosted by Caravana, which is a women's coalition (Panamanian and Foreign Nationals) who represent the various countries who have their nationals living in Panama. Proceeds support the Caravana de Asistencia Social and their programs throughout the country.
I spent a couple of hours sampling and made a valiant effort to determine which country had the best pastries (lots of other offerings, but I have a thing for desserts) - tough duty, but someone needed to step up. Greece and Austria ended in a tie - I ran out of room!
Beside the food, it was interesting to see the countries who have a significant number of their nationals in Panama. In addition to those you would expect - Central and South America were well represented - some surprises, Russia, China, Holland, Israel, Ireland, Greece, Switzerland, Norway, Austria, Great Britain, the U.S. and Canada were there - and I think I missed a few others.

Take care. Don't eat too much.