Very busy week
Sunday • July 12 • 07:38 PM • Filed under: Panama
Don returned to Virginia yesterday after a good round of touring that kept us busy since his arrival last Monday. We enjoyed his visit and had a fun week doing the "tourist" thing. Earlier in the week we hit the canal, Panama Viejo, the causeway and the Smithsonian's Nature Center.

Then . . . . . . . .

We continued our sightseeing with a trip to El Valle for a zip-line tour - got a little exercise (hike up the hill) and had fun flying through the trees on the trip down. On the way back to Panama City, Don looked at a condo on the beach in Coronado, but forgot his checkbook so couldn't close on the "deal".

Next day (Friday) we drove out past the Gamboa resort to visit the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center. It's a new facility with a visitors center, trails through the rainforest and a 100 foot tall observation tower that puts you in and at the top of the forest canopy. Saw lots of birds, a sloth and monkeys in a spectacular setting.

Saturday - Don's last day. Jane took Don on a tour of Casco Viejo, shopping on Avenida Central and then I picked them up and we drove to the top of Ancon Hill. Great views of the city, canal and surrounding area. Stopped in at the Panama Canal administration building to look at some murals and then back to Casco for dinner.

In addition to all the sightseeing we always found time to eat and had some great meals - thanks Don. Spent a couple evenings sitting in Plaza Bolivar (ceviche and beer), Plaza Herrera for tacos and just walking around at night when it was nice and cool. A great week with an old friend - can't get much better!
Take care. Hope we see you in Panama soon.