02/01/10 10:37 PM • Category: Extra

Not new, but just a reminder to click on photos to see a larger versions and if you use one of the many RSS readers - click on the little orange icon at the top of the sidebar to subscribe. Read More . . .
New Year a new look
01/01/10 12:27 PM • Category: Extra
Hope everyone's new year is off to a good start. Decided to give Panama Notes a little makeover - new colors, the site is a little wider and I've got some added flexibility when displaying photos and my little animated slideshows. Will see how it goes (hope I don't mess too many things up) and what the reaction to the new look is.
In RapidWeaver, the program I use to create Panama Notes, you get a different look by either changing theme or modifying your existing theme. I'm trying a new theme (E Flux by Nick Cates Design) primarily because it offers a "lightbox" feature for displaying videos. When you see a "Play Video" button, click and it displays a video in a "overlay". Since I doing more videos, it should be a nice addition. We'll see. Read More . . .
In RapidWeaver, the program I use to create Panama Notes, you get a different look by either changing theme or modifying your existing theme. I'm trying a new theme (E Flux by Nick Cates Design) primarily because it offers a "lightbox" feature for displaying videos. When you see a "Play Video" button, click and it displays a video in a "overlay". Since I doing more videos, it should be a nice addition. We'll see. Read More . . .