02/01/10 10:37 PM • Category:
Extra Those of you with a little too much time on your hands might have noticed a few changes to Panama Notes since the first of the year. Different colors, a few changes to the layout, the morphing banner pictures on this page and a change to the navigation bar. Also, a much nicer way to display videos is now up and working, along with some new versions of older videos (some are now in HD). I've also finally been able to add a search function to Panama Notes - some newer visitors may find that useful for finding information in earlier Notes.
Not new, but just a reminder to click on photos to see a larger versions and if you use one of the many RSS readers - click on the little orange icon at the top of the sidebar to subscribe.
The real inquisitive among you may have also stumbled across the map of Panama in the sidebar of this page. If you haven't, give it a click and enjoy the tour - courtesy of
Take care.
Tags: Tech