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You never know

National Theater
Last Tuesday I was out with Wags and noticed a long line of people at the National Theater. We’d been told the scheduled concert had been canceled, but obviously, something was going on - I’d never seen a line like this. So, back to apartment for a quick change of clothes and I’m off to see what’s happening. The line was gone, but lots of people were still arriving and I didn’t see any ticket takers (another freebie) so in I go. Turns out the canceled concert was indeed going to happen. Read more

Night at the symphony

National Theater in Casco Viejo
Last night we spent a very enjoyable evening at the National Theater at a free concert by the Joven Orquesta de Centroamerica (the Youth Orchestra of Central America). Fifty or so young musicians from Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Panama put on a stunning performance. They played a wide range of music and had a couple of adult guest soloists, but the youngsters were clearly the “stars”. It was also interesting in that they started the concert with just the brass section on stage, then the string section had their turn, then the entire orchestra. Read more

Góngora was jumpin'

Casa Gongora
Stopped by Casa Góngora tonight to see what all the excitement was about. Upstairs a mariachi band had the packed house up and dancing. It was the usual diverse crowd for this place - young and old, smartly dressed and the blue jean set (me). A group of “senior” ladies was burning up the dance floor. Folks from the audience were joining the band to sing, with everyone having a great time.

Mariachi band at Casa Gorgona Mariachi band

It’s things like this that make living in Casco Viejo interesting and a lot of fun. Take care.

Casco Festival

Casa Gongora
This week the Festival Internacional de la Cancion de Autor (International Festival of Singer Songwriters) had it’s final events. The festival was a series of free concerts - this year featuring the guitar and had performers from Panama, Spain and Mexico.

On Wednesday, Jane and I walked two blocks (stopped for ice cream on the way) to Casa Góngora for a small indoor event. Casa Góngora in a partially restored building that is the home to the Casco Antiguo Cultural Center. Read more

Concert at Teatro Nacional

Teatro Nacional
Tonight we attended a jazz concert at the National Theater. One in a series of events in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the theater. The concert was free - a gift from Alliance Francaise (a French cultural exchange organization) to the people of Panama.
Concert at National Theater
The theater is a great concert venue, very good acoustics and ornate almost beyond description - they don’t build halls like this any more! Looks like it could accommodate about 600 if they packed the place, and you wouldn’t be more than 75 feet from the stage in the worst seat. Read more

Come on down

Plaza de la Independencia - Casco Viejo
If you’re a visitor to this site there’s a good possibility you may be thinking about, wanting to, or wishing that you could visit or move to Panama.

For the tourist, the usual questions - will it be worth it, will it be interesting/fun, and better than (wherever). The best thing to do - buy the ticket, book the hotel - get off the couch and try something different. You will have a great time in Panama - guaranteed!

Thinking about moving? Bigger questions (and harder decisions) keep swirling around in your head. Might Panama be “your paradise?” It’s a foreign country, new language (most likely), new people, leaving family - the list of potential problems (I call them “deal breakers”) goes on. The ONLY way to find out if Panama is right for you is to make an extended visit and get a feeling for what “your Panama” might be like.
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