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Dec 2008

Merry Christmas

Felez Navidad

Jane and I hope that everyone has a
great holiday season and that your celebration, whatever it may be and wherever it takes place, brings you much happiness.

For a Special Christmas Greeting from Wags and his “Casco Pals” - Ouija, Greta, Kissey, Tank, Ocea, and Farty . . . Read more

Work, work, work . . .

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My apologies for the lack of posts over the last few weeks - we’ve been spending most of our time working on the apartment and running around getting stuff we need for the new place. Not very exciting to write about, even when I’m not feeling worn out. Jane has also been very busy - chief decorator, painter and most importantly my “board holder” and “gofer.” Wags, of course, has been hanging around and most of the time staying out of the paint. Read more



Over the last ten days Casco Viejo has had several important visitors:

The most important (to us) was a visit we had from Panama Notes reader’s Merry and Don. They were on their sixth visit to Panama and are making final plans to build on property they own near Boquete. We walked around Casco a bit then went to dinner at Buzios - it was a very nice evening to eat outdoors, a little breeze and no bugs. The best part, just chatting about Panama and the choices we make and how this place has something for everyone. Had such a great time I forgot to take any pictures - next time guys.. Read more

Another Holiday

Puente de las Américas (Bridge of the Americas)
Today was a big holiday in Panama, MOTHER'S DAY! Yup, Mother's Day is an official government holiday and it’s a big deal. Restaurants and florists do a booming business, but government offices and banks are closed up tight. It’s also what is called a “bridge holiday” here in Panama, most of us know it as a “three day weekend”. The “bridge” refers to either the Puente de las Américas (Bridge of the Americas) or the Puente Centenario (Centennial Bridge) the two bridges that cross over the Panama Canal and which Panamanians use in great numbers to escape the city on these long holiday weekends.

Puente Centenario

Hope all you mothers had a great day. Take care.

Thanksgiving in Panama

Thanksgiving invitation español
Although Thanksgiving is not a Panamanian holiday, that didn’t deter a group from hosting the first annual Thanksgiving fiesta in Casco Viejo. Sounded like the perfect opportunity to meet some of our neighbors - so off we went, pretzel salad and pickled mushrooms in hand. What made the evening, and indicates the diversity of the community we’ve joined, were the people. Seniors were well represented (the host’s mother was Panama’s first female doctor), as well as the younger crowd (business owners and professionals). We chatted with people from England, Italy, Spain, Columbia, Germany, Canada, the U.S. and several “citizens of the world” who spend part of each year in Panama. Our host Panamanians (remember this is not their holiday) who were the majority of those attending, enthusiastically embraced the Thanksgiving spirit and welcomed everyone as Casco Antiguo Vecinos. Read more

Nonstop Excitement!

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Last week it seemed like it rained the entire week, even the Panamanians were grumbling. Not a good week to be out and around, so we did a little painting at the new apartment. That pretty much sums up the week - we watched it rain and for a little change of pace watched the paint dry (very slowly).
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